Kierkegaard as a critic of the press: The case "Corsair"
Kierkegaard, Contemporary philosophy, Danish society, ModernityAbstract
The purpose of my work is to present, from an interpretation of the Corsair Affair, Kierkegaard's critique of a type of journalism that occurred in Denmark of his time. The aim is to understand the controversial thinker beyond a mere quarrel and Danish parish, placing it in a larger context of criticism of the press, and in the same direction, aims to understand how the Danish author would fit the model of the typical intellectual of the century XIX. Thus, the article is divided into three parts: a) The Corsair Affair - a first explanation, b) as an intellectual Kierkegaard's nineteenth century c) Kierkegaard and other authors of the crisis of modernity: Balzac and Bernanos, d) Final considerations.
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