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Author Guidelines

  1. The Revista de Filosofia Moderna e Contemporânea - RFMC (Journal of Modern and Contemporary Philosophy) publishes only unpublished original philosophical works that conform to its norms, in the form of articles, reviews or translations, written by PhDs. or MAs. in philosophy (or related fields), in Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian, English or German.
  2. All texts will be subjected to blind peer review, and their publication will automatically imply the assignment of copyright to RFMC.
  3. The author must provide the following personal data: maximum academic degree already achieved, current professional and/or academic status, email address, and ORCID number.
  4. The article must have a maximum of 15,000 words, and conform to the following sequence: title, title in Portuguese, author's name, personal data, abstract (maximum of 150 words), keywords (maximum five [5] words), abstract in Portuguese, keywords in Portuguese, text, and bibliography.
  5. Direct quotes with less than three (3) lines must appear inside "quotation marks" in the text body. For those longer than three (3) lines (called block quotes), start the quote as a new paragraph on a new line and indent the whole quote 1 cm from the left-hand margin of the page, and omit the quotation marks. Indirect quotes or paraphrases must appear "without quotation marks" in the text body. The quotation sources should be indicated in the text body using the author-date system (HEIDEGGER, 1927, p.145).
  6. Bibliographical references must appear at the end of the article and be ordered alphabetically in ascending order. See below some examples of references:

    Book - HUME, D. Tratado da natureza humana: uma tentativa de introduzir o método experimental de raciocínio nos assuntos morais. Translated by Débora Danowski. São Paulo: Editora da UNESP; Imprensa Oficial do Estado, 2001.

    Article or Book Chapter - LOPARIC, Z. “O problema fundamental da semântica jurídica de Kant”. In: WRIGLEY, M. B.; SMITH, P. J. (Orgs.) O filósofo e sua história: uma homenagem a Oswaldo Porchat. Campinas: UNICAMP-CLE, 2003.

    Articles in Journals - DURÃO, A. B. “A teoria do discurso racional de Habermas”. Revista de Filosofia Moderna e Contemporânea, Brasília, 2015, v. 3, n. 1, pp. 06-27. Available at []: accessed on [06/06/2019].

  7. The translations must have a maximum of 20,000 words, and present the following sequence: title of the translated text, name of the original author, name of the translator, personal data of the translator, presentation of the translation (maximum 5000 words), and translated version. Only translations into the Portuguese language will be accepted, accompanied by the originals. If the translated text is not in the public domain, you must provide the AUTHORIZATION in writing of the holder of the COPYRIGHT. Obtaining the authorization is the sole responsibility of the translator, and must be submitted together with the translation.
  8. The book reviews must have a maximum of 5000 words, and present the following sequence: a complete reference of the book, name and personal data of the reviewer, and text. Reviews should describe the subject, purpose, and scope of the book, and discuss and evaluate particular strengths or weaknesses of the work. Only reviews of books published in the last three years will be accepted.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. Journal subscribers will only be contacted with information about new issues. While authors' names, institutional affiliations and institutional addresses will be printed on the published article, all email communication with authors will only take place through private, spam-protected forms on the journal website.