Curriculum as Form
Curricula, Form, Aesthetics, Politics, Education.Abstract
This paper develops arguments in the theory of curricula. Contrary to a perspective of curricula as a source of knowledge to be handed down, we will think curricula as a form. As a consequence, we develop a new locus for the curricula joined to the usual battlefields in education. That is, curricula would be part of political and aesthetic relationships. It means to declare on the one hand curricula as an effect of power, a social question to contest; and, on the other hand, a place for forms of living, aesthetics of existence. Then, we can consider the aesthetic and educational elements within political struggles as well as the educational movements based in the political and cultural movements. In this sense, this paper opposes the immediate thinking that considers curricula as a content. We are aiming to think curricula as a form, considering the architecture of a new social form.
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