The readability of catastrophes in our time: a task of restitution




contemporary Brazilian poetry; image; memory; catastrophe.


In this essay, I reflect on the tasks of poetic criticism in its importance for the readability of catastrophes. From a reading of “Poema para a catástrofe do nosso tempo” by Alberto Pucheu (2020a) and the theories of memory and imagination by Georges Didi-Huberman (2018a; 2018b), I circumscribe a task of restitution, which operates in the face of denialism and erasure of historical violence. Considering Walter Benjamin’s theory of knowledge (Benjamin, 2012; 2020b) and its developments in Didi-Huberman’s work, I view the poem as a critical montage of our time, where the poet juxtaposes different paradigms of readability related to the processes of extermination that have occurred in Brazil and culminate in the Covid-19 pandemic.


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How to Cite

The readability of catastrophes in our time: a task of restitution. (2024). Estudos De Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, 73.