Ante lo intolerable: la resistencia melancólica de Letrux
Letrux, resistance, melancholy.Abstract
This article exposes a theoretical reflection about the construction of spaces for reaction against the authoritarian thought, mediated by a melancholic artistic elaboration between the years 2018-2022 in Brazil. It is based on the understanding that melancholic contours were constituted indissociably as a side effect of the country’s political structure. Considering the relations between melancholy, literature, and society, it proposes an analysis structured around Letrux’s work (2018; 2020a; 2020b; 2021a; 2021b; 2022), who rejected the haunting of a far-right government by creating artistic objects under the melancholic scope, fostering propositions of resistance in a time that appeared intolerable.
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