Coloniality of power in Save the Fire, by Itamar Vieira Junior




poverty; colonialism; coloniality of power; intersectionality


Save the fire, by Itamar Vieira Junior (2023), is a narrative that focuses on extreme poverty, leading to exclusion and does not foreshadow salvation. Set in northeastern Brazil, it recovers the stereotype of northeasterners as synonymous with poverty, as well as the social inequality that has plagued the country since colonial times. It refers to the excesses of the Catholic church which, through religiosity, not only manipulates but also exploits the underprivileged population. The narrative takes place in contemporary times and, therefore, corroborates Aníbal Quijano’s (2014) statement that colonialism left traces wherever it went, because, despite no longer existing, the coloniality of power is still present, mainly among the most vulnerable sections of the population. The brutality of capitalism together with neoliberalism corrodes the existence of the poorest, forcing constant migration as a means of escaping poverty. Furthermore, the assumptions of race, ethnicity, and gender also present themselves, demonstrating the intersectionality always present in these layers of the population. Using these assumptions as guiding threads to analyze the narrative, it was essential to resort to the studies of Gayatri Spivak (2010)Aníbal Quijano (2014)María Lugones (2014)Walter D. Mignolo (2017)Isildinha Baptista Nogueira (2021)Patricia Hill Collins e Sirma Bilge (2021)Rita Segato (2021), among others.


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LUGONES, María (2014). Rumo a um feminismo descolonial. Revista Estudos Feministas, Florianópolis, v. 22, n. 3, p. 935-952.


MEMMI, Albert (1977). Retrato do colonizado precedido pelo retrato do colonizador Tradução de Roland Corbisier e Mariza Pinto Coelho. Rio e Janeiro: Paz e Terra.

MIGNOLO, Walter D. (2017). Colonialidade: o lado mais escuro da modernidade. Tradução: Marco Oliveira. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais, v. 32, n. 94, e329402.


NOGUEIRA, Isildinha Baptista (2021). A cor do inconsciente: significações do corpo negro. São Paulo: Perspectiva.

POTIGNAT, Phillipi; STREIF-FENART, Jocelyne (1998). Teoria da etnicidade Seguido por Grupos Étnicos e suas Fronteiras. Tradução: Elcio Fernandes. São Paulo: Editora da Unesp.

QUIJANO, Aníbal (2014). Colonialidad del poder y clasificación social. In: Cuestiones y horizontes: de la dependencia histórico-estructural a la colonialidad/descolonialidad del poder. Buenos Aires: Clacso. p. 285-326. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 maio 2021.


SEGATO, Rita (2021). Crítica da colonialidades em oito ensaios: e uma antropologia por demanda. Tradução: Danielli Jatobá e Danú Gontijo. Rio de Janeiro: Bazar do Tempo.

SPIVAK, Gayatri C. (2010). Pode o subalterno falar? Tradução: Sandra Regina Goulart Almeida et al. Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG.

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How to Cite

Coloniality of power in Save the Fire, by Itamar Vieira Junior. (2024). Estudos De Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, 71, 1-12.