Unspecificity and politics in recent Brazilian literature





Roy Frankel, unspecificity, politics


“We write what we hear and never what happened”, this phrase by Oswald de Andrade, retrieved in the epigraph of the book Delírios de damasco, by Veronica Stigger, invites us to reconfigure what we understand about literary writings. Likewise, it calls for a writing practice that does not coincide with itself. This non-coincidence is called here in this text ‘unspecificity’ a notion by the author Florencia Garramuño, which serves as an approximation to the reading of the poem “Sessão” (2017), by Roy David Frankel. This encounter, which centralizes the debate in the text, brings a series of provocations to recent literary practices and to the current Brazilian political scenario figured since the Coup d'état in 2016. The effort is to take current literary practices as a possible space for political construction in the form of impropriety and impertinence.


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How to Cite

Unspecificity and politics in recent Brazilian literature. (2021). Estudos De Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, 64, 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1590/2316-4018643