Espiridião, Carnival and a Modern Aesthetic in Salim Miguel’s Florianópolis
Salim Miguel, Florianópolis, Modernism, modernityAbstract
In this paper, we analyze some special topics in the short story “Carnaval: casos de Espiridião,” a part of Salim Miguel’s debut book, Velhice e outros contos, in order to construct both an image of the Florianópolis fused in the narrative and of the modernist experience in which the text inserts itself. Thus, we discuss some aspects of the city in its modernizing process, and how such elements appear, first, on a discursive level, which points to a series of contradictions, then we pay attention to literary form. In this analysis, we point out how the story mimics the dual structure of the city's elites and, at the same time, imposes, through editing, the presence of modernism as a possibility of differentiation.
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