Livros do Mal: From Virtual Publishing to Editorial Self-Legitimation




Livros do Mal, contemporary Brazilian literature, internet, editorial, Brazilian literary system


In this work we analyze the configuration and performance of the independent publishing house Livros do Mal (from 2001 to 2004), within the scope of the Contemporary Brazilian Literary System (Even-Zohar, 2003a). To do this, we focus on the context of the publisher's creation, influenced by the emerging experience of online publishing shared by its editors/writers and by the success of the CardosOnline e-zine. We conduct a brief review of the nine titles published by the publisher, emphasizing the recurring repertoires and trying to draw an editorial profile. Finally, we focus on the end of the editorial project, which resulted from the impasse between the functions of writer and editor, summarizing part of the legacy of the publishing house.


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How to Cite

Livros do Mal: From Virtual Publishing to Editorial Self-Legitimation . (2021). Estudos De Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, 62, 1-18.