Exile of the Dictatorship in Brazilian Fiction of the Post-Memorial Generation: The Children’s Perspective and Aesthetics


  • Ilana Heineberg Université Bordeaux Montaigne




post-memory, dictatorship, Latin America, exile


In this article I will explore Dominique Viart’s Based on the concept of post-memory, by Marianne Hirsch, this paper aims to analyze the way Brazilian artists, belonging to the generation of children of political exiles from Latin American dictatorships, represented their experiences, their memories and their parents’ narratives. To this end, we’ll approach Tatiana Salem Levy’s A chave de casa (2007), Paloma Vidal’s Mar Azul (2012), A Resistência, by Julián Fuks, (2015), Rio-Paris-Rio (2016), de Luciana Hidalgo, and the film Deslembro (2018), by Flávia Castro. At first, we will approach the connections between fictional intrigue and family memory, and then analyze the narrative strategies of representation of this often indirect memory, seeking to delineate what would be a Brazilian post-memorial aesthetic. Finally, we will examine the representation of exile as both a transgenerational element and a scenario from a decentralized perspective.


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How to Cite

Exile of the Dictatorship in Brazilian Fiction of the Post-Memorial Generation: The Children’s Perspective and Aesthetics. (2020). Estudos De Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, 60, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1590/2316-4018606