The fissile house: the migrant body and the paradoxes of hospitality in the poetry of Eduardo Jorge




Eduardo Jorge, contemporary Brazilian poetry, migration, hospitality


If the home is the geographic center from which all paths are possible and where the city offers itself up to the individual, then the migrant's experience often alters the perception of this “chez soi” and weakens its opposition to open and shared public spaces. Hospitality can become hostility. This article seeks to examine the instabilities in the representation of domestic space in the recent work of the Brazilian poet Eduardo Jorge.  Given his temporary condition ”“ changing addresses, precariously dominating the city and its codes ”“ the migrant portrayed in this poetry often experiences home as reduced to the dimensions of clothing (the most basic form of shelter) and of the body, himself transformed into shell, fossil, elastic, and fissile space.


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How to Cite

The fissile house: the migrant body and the paradoxes of hospitality in the poetry of Eduardo Jorge. (2019). Estudos De Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, 58, 1-12.