Fiction level zero: enunciative un-framing in Delírio de Damasco




enunciative unframing, Veronica Stigger, Delírio de Damasco, Barbara Smith


This paper”Ÿs aim is to reflect upon the reading experience that derives from Delírio de Damasco (2012), from Brazilian author Veronica Stigger. For such a reflection, we raise questions related to the literary enunciation, mainly through the notion of enunciative un-framing, which will be properly developed through our analysis with the support of concepts such as fictive utterance and natural utterance, both conceived by Barbara Smith. We start from the hypothesis that, in this particular work, we have a language without contours, un-framed, mainly because it is a language devoid of the basic elements that inform traditional narrative (narrator, plot, characters). Looking critically at this disturbance in the literary enunciation caused by Delírio de Damasco, we think through how this gesture affects the reader”Ÿs position: how does the noisy transition between the existent and the inexistent take place and what are the consequences of that movement for the continuous stream between real and imaginary.


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How to Cite

Fiction level zero: enunciative un-framing in Delírio de Damasco. (2019). Estudos De Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, 57, 1-11.