Undressing the narrative: a feline poetics (points about alterity)
animal, human, frontier, alterityAbstract
With the advent of Cultural Studies, the interdisciplinarity between sciences has raised new questions about the boundaries between mankind and animals. The resulting field of Animal Studies has permeated the works of writers such as Jacques Derrida and J.M. Coetzee (writings about the animal), Michael Foucault (madness and animalism), Deleuze and Guattari (the concept of becoming animal), Peter Singer and Giorgio Agamben (bioethical approaches), Eduardo Viveiros de Castro (ethnological studies), and Maria Ester Maciel (zoopoetics) among others. These studies are justified not only because of growing concerns of ecological order but also because of a certain interest in our relationship to other species, because of a kind of human crisis which has provoked a number of discussions among researchers. In studying the novel As horas nuas by Lygia Fagundes Telles, we try to locate the construction of the boundaries between humans and animals, through a theoretical framework of Animal Studies. This article aims to present a discussion about the spaces reserved for those absolutely other in our society.
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