The fracture of otherness in Clarice Lispector’s “Amor” and Sérgio Sant’Anna’s Um crime delicado




This paper discusses the condition of human fragmentation in its hermeneutic quest to give meaning to the world that surrounds us through the understanding of otherness in two Brazilian literary works: “Amor” by Clarice Lispector (1960) and Um crime delicado by Sérgio Sant’Anna (1997). Reading the two works and their protagonists’ journeys, I analyse the fracture of otherness that comes about through the contact that the characters Ana and Antônio Martins have with people with a physical disability ”“ a blind man and a limp woman, respectively ”“ and how this encounter with physical otherness changes the two characters. For this purpose, I use the theoretical framework of imagery studies, in the search for hermeneutics of the production of meanings through images and imagination.


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How to Cite

The fracture of otherness in Clarice Lispector’s “Amor” and Sérgio Sant’Anna’s Um crime delicado. (2018). Estudos De Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, 54, 85-99.