Illustration and playfulness in the representation of the architectural project
Representation; Architecture; Playfulness; CommunicationAbstract
Architectural representation stands as the most potent communicative conduit between the professional and the client, as it is through this medium that the conceptual design takes shape, conveying the final message. Thus, the central focus of this article
is to analyze how non-conventional representational methods can serve as significant tools of connection between the architectural work and the viewer. Given that the use of images as a communicative instrument has been witnessed since the dawn of humanity,
from ancient cave paintings to various forms of modern art. This entire process of message conveyance is executed through signs and meanings that, when applied effectively, as seen in the construction of the Office of Metropolitan Architecture’s project “The
Strip,” engender in the viewer a speculative gaze generated by the interpretation of visual codes within a reading system. Therefore, through a literature review, this research aims to deliberate on how the utilization of ludic tools in the field of architecture is of paramount importance in imparting social values and directing the recipient towards the metaphorical realm of the project. In summary, the study and comprehension of unconventional visual representation are of utmost significance in attaining the fullness of the architectural message, transcending the realm of technical constructive characters.
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