The music video "jogo de louça"


  • Marcos Daniel da Silva Oliveira



Fashion, Semiotics, Music Video, Social Media


This research project explored the intersection of fashion, semiotics, and fan perception in the music video “Jogo de Louça” by Toto de Babalong and Gaby Amarantos. Through semiotic analysis, we identified the visual, symbolic, and cultural elements present in the video, revealing how fashion serves as a complex language conveying cultural messages. Additionally, we delved into the active interaction of fans on social media, highlighting how their interpretations and discussions enrich the understanding of the video. This research contributes to the comprehension of contemporary visual culture, emphasizing the role of fashion in cultural communication and the creation of shared meanings.


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How to Cite

The music video "jogo de louça". (2024). Revista Estética E Semiótica- RES, Aesthetics and Semiotics Magazine, 14(2), 90-102.