The Art of Engineering by Joaquim Cardozo


  • Leonardo Da Silveira Pirillo Inojosa
  • Márcio Augusto Roma Buzar
  • Humberto Salazar Amorim Varum



Structural Art, Joaquim Cardozo, Modern Architecture, Reinforced Concrete, Oscar Niemeyer


Joaquim Cardozo, “the Engineer of Poetry,” was a renowned Brazilian engineer who also stood out as a poet, writer, surveyor, caricaturist, professor, and architectural theorist. Born in Recife on August 26, 1897, his career was marked by his prominence in Brazilian modern architecture. As early as 1934, he became one of the founders of the Directorate of Architecture and Urbanism of Pernambuco (DAU), where he collaborated with Luís Nunes and Roberto Burle Marx, developing projects that are considered the genesis of the modernist movement in Brazilian architecture. Cardozo was crucial in enabling various works that became landmarks of this movement, such as projects by architect Oscar Niemeyer, including the Pampulha architectural complex and the monuments of Brasília. His technical creativity, innovative spirit, and precision revolutionized structural engineering in Brazil. Cardozo employed new technologies and construction methods, adapting European modernist influences to the Brazilian context, particularly with reinforced concrete. His works reflect a balance between functionality, aesthetics, and technology, featuring elements like access ramps, helicoidal staircases, pilotis, and iconic elements such as the "inverted dome" of the National Congress and the Brasília Cathedral. The creative and technical collaboration between Cardozo and the architects he worked with resulted in projects that became landmarks of Brazilian modern architecture.

Author Biographies

  • Leonardo Da Silveira Pirillo Inojosa

    Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from the University of São Paulo (2003), with a Master's degree in Architecture and Urbanism from the University of Brasília (2010), a Ph.D. from the University of Brasília (2019), and a Master’s specialization in Building Structures from the Universitat de Barcelona (2022). He served as Head of the Department of Buildings (DEDI) at NOVACAP - Companhia Urbanizadora da Nova Capital do Brasil (2015-2017) and as Director of CEPLAN - Oscar Niemeyer Planning Center at UnB (2020-2021). He has academic experience in Engineering, Architecture, and Urbanism, with an emphasis on Architecture Technology, Structural Systems, and Graphic Representation, primarily working on the following topics: architecture, design, structural systems, concrete structures, technical drawing, and BIM - Building Information Modeling. He is currently a professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Faculty of Technology at the University of Brasília (FT-UnB).

  • Márcio Augusto Roma Buzar

    Graduated in Civil Engineering from the State University of Maranhão (1994), with a Master's degree (1996) and a Ph.D. (2004) in Structures and Civil Construction from the University of Brasília, and Postdoctoral studies (2023-2024) at FEUP, University of Porto, Portugal, under the supervision of Professor Humberto Varum. He is an Associate Professor at the University of Brasília, where he also served as Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Architecture from 2013 to 2015, PPG-FAU-UnB. He has experience in Civil Engineering with various Structural Safety projects. He participated in the REUNI Project, designing and coordinating over 250,000 m² in the university campuses of UnB. He has been a faculty member in the Graduate Program at FAU-UnB since 2005 in the areas of Technology, Environment, Sustainability, and Structural Systems. He coordinates, together with PPG-FAU, the Research Line in Structure and Architecture, where he teaches the subject Pathology of Constructions in the Graduate Program. He has partnered with the Civil Defense and Fire Department technical teams in the Federal District, focusing on risk area monitoring studies. His research also involves Structural Safety, having supervised two Ph.D. theses on the Rehabilitation of Special Artworks (OAEs). Additionally, he studies the behavior of new materials, such as translucent concrete, lightweight concrete, colored concrete, and develops work on the use of construction waste (RCD) and EPS. In the structural field, he investigates the integration of structural and architectural designs for shared structural conceptions. He also studies the structural system in Oscar Niemeyer’s works, with several published papers on this topic. More recently, he has been dedicated to studying sustainability in construction and applying computer graphics to structures. In engineering, he is trained in structural mechanics, focusing on structural analysis of buildings, limit plastic analysis, and finite elements. He coordinates the LabRAC - Laboratory for the Rehabilitation of the Built Environment. In 2018, he served as Director of the Department of Roads and Highways of the Federal District (DER-DF), where he coordinated the rehabilitation of the Eixo Rodoviário Sul Viaduct - Eixão. He coordinated the Project and Construction of the North Exit of Brasília, considered the largest recent project in the Federal District, with over 27 viaducts and bridges. He proposed a methodology for the analysis of OAEs, assisting public managers in decision-making for the recovery of Modern Heritage Works. He was Director of Buildings at NOVACAP from 2015 to 2017, overseeing and coordinating hundreds of public works for the population of Brasília. Recently, he was awarded the Medal of Civil Defense of the Federal District and, in 2018, received the title of Commander from the Fire Department of the Federal District. He also received the Public Safety Merit Medal from the Secretariat of Public Safety of the Federal District. He is currently the Director of Management, Coordination, and Educational Projects at the National Education Development Fund (FNDE) (2024).


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How to Cite

The Art of Engineering by Joaquim Cardozo. (2024). Revista Estética E Semiótica- RES, Aesthetics and Semiotics Magazine, 14(2), 34-48.