Art Beyond Ideology? Art Through Blochian Theory


  • Daniel Anchieta



Ideology, Art, Ernst Bloch


In the search to understand whether art can be appreciated beyond the ideology of its time of production, or whether this ideology impacts our perception of the artistic object, this study sought, through Ernst Bloch’s theory, an understanding of the artistic object beyond ideology. First, by seeking in Marx’s thought the conception of ideology, and Bloch’s conceptualization of the concept. To understand how the category of the utopian function intersects with ideology, in order to expose the theses of Bloch’s aesthetics that propose a cultural surplus that surpasses the barrier of the ideology of the dominant classes. And how this surplus provides the work with its opening to the future, a pre-appearance, which demonstrates the character of the artistic object. The question is whether ideology would be eliminated once and for all, or whether the victory over it would be only partial, demanding a critical evaluation in each era.

Author Biography

  • Daniel Anchieta

    Master in Architecture and Urbanism from the University of Brasília (UNB) in the area of Theory, History, and Criticism, with a focus on the research line of Aesthetics, Hermeneutics, and Semiotics, funded by a scholarship from the Research Support Fund of the Federal District (FAP-DF). Bachelor’s degree from Universidade Paulista (UNIP) with a 100% scholarship earned through the institution’s internal entrance exam. Participated in a Scientific Initiation program in the category of Voluntary Research at Universidade Paulista. Studied for two semesters at the University of Brasília (UNB) in the undergraduate course in Theory, Criticism, and Art History. Research interests include the intersections between the history and theory of architecture and urbanism, philosophy, and utopia.


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How to Cite

Art Beyond Ideology? Art Through Blochian Theory. (2024). Revista Estética E Semiótica- RES, Aesthetics and Semiotics Magazine, 14(2), 23-33.