The reverse of Brasília as a place of play
City, Drifts, Situationists, BrasiliaAbstract
Brasilia can be questioned from its modernist conception to the dilated void as a landscape and place of events. The interstitial negative of its monuments and buildings suggests that liquid city of the Situationists, a place where the drift allows the re-construction of situations: a city-collage. Moved by fleetingness and impermanence, events take place in forgotten places in cities, in spaces abandoned by the growth of metropolises. The sensitive body is an integral part of the set. Drift subverts the linear narrative of the programmatic and spectacularized space, towards the surviving, erased or silenced heterogeneous times. Brasília adrift shows the urban space subject to aesthetic practices, whose power is to dilute the boundaries between architecture and landscape – between art and life – in the liquid space of infinite cartography and erratic.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Aline Stefania Zim , Rossana Delpino Sapena
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