Blue parasite




Machado de Assis, Dostoevsky, trivial narrative, cultural dependence


An analysis of the short story “The Blue Parasite”, by Machado de Assis, makes a comparison between themes of this narrative and great works of European
production at the same period. The concept of patriotic greatness is questioned. A comparative method is proposed, which, by replacing the narrow horizon of
the national into an international vision, seeks a method that may be valid for the other arts and for the mode of teaching, but mainly serves to distinguish objectively between literary works and minor works.

Author Biography

  • Flávio Kothe, Full Professor at FAU-UNB

    He has a master's degree (FU-Berlin), doctorate (USP) and professorship (PUCCAMP) in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature. He was a guest professor at the Universities of Rostock, UFRGS and the Institute of Advanced Studies at USP, and is currently a full professor of Aesthetics at the University of Brasília, coordinator of the Center for Aesthetics, Hermeneutics and Semiotics at FAU/UnB, president of the Brazilian Academy of Letters . He is the author of more than 40 books and 450 publications as an essayist, translator, fiction writer and poet.



How to Cite

Blue parasite. (2024). Revista Estética E Semiótica- RES, Aesthetics and Semiotics Magazine, 13(2), 16-32.

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