Tales - Barbeiragem I; Barbeiragem II




Author Biography

  • Flávio R. Kothe

    He has a master's degree (FU-Berlin), a doctor's degree (USP) and a professorship (PUCCAMP) in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature. He was a visiting professor at the Universities of Rostock, UFRGS and at the Institute of Advanced Studies at USP, and is currently a professor of Aesthetics at the University of Brasília, coordinator of the Center for Aesthetics, Hermeneutics and Semiotics at FAU/UnB, president of the Brazilian Academy of Letters . He is the author of more than 40 books and 450 publications as an essayist, translator, fiction writer and poet.


2023-07-02 — Updated on 2023-08-25


How to Cite

Tales - Barbeiragem I; Barbeiragem II. (2023). Revista Estética E Semiótica- RES, Aesthetics and Semiotics Magazine, 13(1), 116-119. https://doi.org/10.18830/issn2238-362X.v13.n1.2023.09 (Original work published 2023)

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