Architecture; Liberal Arts; Handicrafts; Hyper-Reality.Abstract
Digital handicrafts promote the inversion of production modes in architecture: simulation is the end product, under the authorship of the individual genius, while the building is the intermediate one, to be carried out by third parties. The new language has a multiple determinist potential; they are beautiful illustrations that offer a hyper-reality that was not built. Between the disqualification of mechanical works and the simulacrum of liberal arts, the formation of genius architects is simulated based on a practice that can be called “digital craftsmanship”, without the humanistic and philosophical curriculum consistency, nor the practice of the required crafts. The formation of the young global hero is invented, who can and is capable of changing the world, structuring the idea of ”‹”‹introjected knowledge, organic to a generation of digital artisans - the hyperconnected geniuses.
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