The analysis of architectural heritage often appears under a historical and cultural bias. However, its exploration from the perspective of aesthetics, one of the major areas of philosophy, as well as ethics and politics, is still little explored. The aesthetics of built spaces, perceived by visual perception, vary according to factors inherent to human subjectivity, such as memory, culture, the understanding of beauty, among others. The legibility of space, given by the morphology of the place, resulting from the design of the project and aided by details and signs, is a primary factor in its apprehension and enjoyment. Given this, it is intended to investigate, through an object of study, how some design paradigms, such as structuring axes, symmetry and volume organization, define categories of plastic structuring that can trigger certain modes of interaction with space. Thus, the interaction between the opportunity to analyze the possibilities that affect the reading of the architectural object from its drawing, aims to take it not as a target of criticism, but as an instrument of the philosophical exercise, capable of identifying the subjective developments that may arise. alternate and combine in building and a cultural identity. Thus, it is intended to leave a relevant contribution to the aesthetic debate, to be part of the development of the Master’s thesis in Architecture and Urbanism of the Graduate Program of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Brasília - PPG / FAU- UnB, entitled “Plasticity in the interaction between subject and place”.
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