The poetry of Mario de Andrade constitutes for the
first Brazilian modernism a lesson, a guideline and
a manifest at the same time. Since “Há uma gota
de sangue em cada poema” the evolution of this
poetry has shown a poet deeply preoccupied with
aesthetics and with the human, albeit only with the
one from his own neighbourhood. This human would
give space to the model of humanity that he was
feeling, that distressed him and with which he was
watching the events of modernity that were so
important to him. Regarding the greatest poem
of Mário de Andrade called “A meditação sobre o
Tietê”, there is nothing new about it. However, the
role and the objective of this text is to give this poem
a reading that reunites the poet, modernity and the
meditation about the human being. We hereby pay
particular attention to specific aspects in Mário´s
poems, which are the human pain and persistence.
Keywords: Mário de Andrade; Modernism;
Modernity; Human Pain.
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