Art, criticism and freedom


  • Flávio R. Kothe Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Brasilia



Aesthetics. Theology. Deconstruction. Descartes. Wolff. Baumgarten. Kant.


Theological presuppositions have marked Aesthetics and Epistemology during XVII and XVIII centuries and they continue to mark the way of understanding art and reality in theories on the XIX and XX centuries. The return to the origins of modern Aesthetics inducts the exposition of fundamental structures, without which we will just do variations on the same.

Author Biography

  • Flávio R. Kothe, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Brasilia

    Professor titular de Estética na FAU/UnB e Coordenador do NEHS, Núcleo de Estética, Hermenêutica e Semiótica da mesma Universidade. Autor de obras sobre o cânone brasileiro, teoria literária e a arte comparada, tradutor de Nietzsche, Marx, Kafka, Benjamin, Adorno e outros. autor de poemas, contos e novelas. 



How to Cite

Art, criticism and freedom. (2019). Revista Estética E Semiótica- RES, Aesthetics and Semiotics Magazine, 8(2), 1-22.

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