Landscape, Design theory, Sublime, Picturesque, Land artAbstract
This paper proposes an investigation into the convergences between artistic practice and landscape. It has as case study the creative process of Land Art movement and its aesthetic experience in the light of contemporary reinterpretations of sublime and picturesque. The Land Art movement emerged in the 60s, motivated by ecological discourse, and it aims to rescue the reintegration of man in nature through art, using as a support the landscape, the territory, the waste from urbanization and industrialization. The exit of museums and galleries legitimation spaces to the external environment becomes a critique of art commercialization, which takes shape when a dialogue with the landscape is established, making use of its materiality, specificity and intrinsic temporariness. It comes to expand the problematizations about its apprehension and historical transformations, as well as the possibilities of aesthetic experience, which incorporates the artwork process, since the choice of site to the production of narratives, travel journals, photographs, films and other different records.
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