Madness, City, Polis, BodyAbstract
The following lines will try to express the experience of a Therapeutic Accompaniment in their wanderings by spaces of Porto Alegre during the participation in ATnaRede group of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, in 2013. Understanding the city as a place of madness, a space of infinite possibilities of creating existential ways for the mad person, the theme of madness and their places approaches the city and urbanismo themes and it comes in its addition. The AT, with its ability to weave networks of relationships with the accompanied, also deals with the experience of building a new city. Companion and accompanied, eventually come of the given conditions of a city to another city that can be inhabited. This new city is built at the exact moment that together, companion and accompanied, and other actors that come your way, run along it. This construction aligns with the becoming polis of the city, aligns with the desire to create a city that can wellcome the difference.
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