geographic knowledge, complex thinking, meaningful learning, nomadic curriculum, teacher trainingAbstract
In this paper we present some theoretical considerations regarding the challenges of geographic education in Brazil and its goals for the citizens formation. Considering, in our analysis, the existence of a desynchrony between the geography theoretical potential and the formative power of geographic education, we established as our objective the analysis of the role of knowledge produced by geographic science for critical and activeness citizens, considering their connections with the school space. To this end, we have used some important contributions, which we list as three propositions and that structure the article. The fi rst concerns Edgard Morin’s complexity theory that contributes to think about the limits experienced by this disciplinary fi eld and the possibilities for moving forward from Geography Teaching to Geographic Education. The second proposition complements the fi rst, emphasizing the apprehension of geographic education in its articulations with the reality of the student and citizens formation, anchored in the theory of meaningful learning and the theory of the nomadic curriculum. Finally, the third consideration refers to teacher training and the need to formulate and implement policies for the valorization of the teaching profession, such as PIBID. Those three propositions are intersected establishing an articulated set of essential considerations so that we can overcome the so-called paradox of geography in Brazil.
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