Health Geography, Suicide, Spatial Analysis, Thematic CartographyAbstract
The World Health Organization (WHO) has published studies on mental health and suicide prevention in the early twenty-first century, what was not common until 1990s. The increase in interest in the area is related to rapid expansion of quantities and suicide rates in the last three decades. The aim of this study was to analyze geocartographically suicide in Latin America and Caribbean multiscale way. The methodology relies on the literature review of the categories: suicide, spatial analysis and multi scalarity. The preparation of thematic maps of different territorial levels and greater number of data arrays of classes allowed better understanding of the complexity of the spatiality of the phenomenon. The multiscale analysis of suicide, based on the Latin American and Caribbean spatial area, through the national scales, regional to the local scale allows to highlight the spatial differentiation of suicide and propose public policies more equitable mental health, more effective and more efficient.
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