molasses grass, biological invasion, management techniques, economic viability, environmental viabilityAbstract
The effects of human-induced disturbances are of special concern due to the result of loss of biodiversity and degradation of some ecosystem services. A typical example of cumulative anthropogenic impact occurs in tropical savannas, especially in areas that are burned or logged and then used for livestock grazing. Some African grasses introduced in the Brazilian savannas for cattle feeding became invasive, with Melinis minutifl ora being the most common example widely spread all over the region. The presence of this invasive grass is almost certain in most Conservation Units established in the Cerrado region, turning to be fundamental to look for effective treatments to reduce its coverage. The objective of this study was to evaluate the costs and effi ciency of seven methods for molasses grass management proposed in the literature. The cost (based on a hectare of land/year) of each method was calculated taking into account materials, tools and labor. Due to the high regenerative capability of molasses grass a monitoring program of at least two to three years is necessary to reduce its biomass. Therefore, the comparative analyses of cost and viability of the methods indicated that to controlling molasses grass the best benefi t/cost value for large areas was the coupling of integrated control method and annual cutting with the option of renting a microtractor. The mugging method showed to be economically viable only for small areas. Overall, the management cost showed to be relatively low compared with the potential negative impact of the molasses grass on the relationship between the Cerrado ecosystem functioning and its biodiversity fundamental to maintain several ecosystem services.
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