floristic, conservation, geoprocessing, remote sensing, multivariate analysisAbstract
The objectives this work were, in the seven cities of Western Bahia: i) to carry out th survey of the plant species in established plots; ii) to delimit the savanic environments of interfluves, hydromorphic and the Cerrado/Caatinga transition; iii) to group the species by delimited environment; and iv) to check if the registered species were in Red List of threatened species of extinction. Plots and subplots were established of 10 to 10 km2 to identify the: i) tree species (> 5 cm of diameter on 30 cm of soil), in 50 x 50 m plots; ii) shrub species in the square area of 25 m2 ; and iii) grasses, herbs and forbs, in a square area of 1 m2. The spatial delimitation of the interfluve, hydromorphic and Cerrado/Caatinga Transition environments were carried out with the Alos and Landsat satélite images interpretation. Canonical correspondence analysis was used to group the species by environments. 658 plant species were sampled and distributed in 91, with 81 species did not registered in last checklist of Cerrado species, and 15 are in IUCN redlist of the endangered espécies of extinction. The data showed the clear distribution of species by macroenvironments, and that the Cerrado/Caatinga Transitions species localized farther of axes of another environment, this is an endemic standard.
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