soil saturation, mathematic model, transmissivityAbstract
Soil saturation is an issue that arouses the interest of both the scientific community and the general population. After all, their occurrence can trigger serious problems for society. For this reason, several authors have worked this issue under different viewpoints. In this work, the phenomenon was approached through the hydrologic modeling / mathematics developed by O’Loughlin (1986) and applied in Jardim River basin, located in the eastern portion of the Distrito Federal (DF). To implement the model, we used rainfall data, soil transmissivity, contribution area and local slope in a geographic information system. We defined a scenario of rain, in order to observie how the basin soils behave in relation to saturation. The transmissivity data were obtained only to the Upper River Jardim area and interpolated. The model was applied to obtain the saturation map in the landscape (for upper Jardim) when compared with the soil map showed different water absorption capacity of soils in the region. After identifying the characteristic transmissivity values of each class for upper Jardim, we used an average value for the soil classes of the entire basin and thus we elaborated the saturation map in the landscape for entire Jardim basin. This mapping enables the identification of the hydraulic behavior of soils in the landscape can support the mapping of land and guide actions for planning land use.
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