
  • Suzana Theodoro Martins Peixoto Universidade Federal de Viçosa – UFV Pça: São Paulo, 80/201 Centro - Muriaé MG CEP 36880-000 - Tel: (32) 37210448



Parque Estadual da Serra do Brigadeiro, Unidade de Conservação, material de divulgação, natureza


The present article is the result of a monographic research and had as objective to verify the conception of nature propagated in the materials of spreading of the Parque Estadual da Serra do Brigadeiro. The investigated materials of spreading had been to folder: Parques de Minas and the site of the Instituto Estadual de Florestas IEF - MG. The Parks are part of a category of Unit of Conservation, this are endorsed by law 9985/2000, that they establish the rules and norms for the creation, implantation and management of Units of Conservation, that has for purpose to contribute with the maintenance of biodiversity, to protect the natural resources and to respect the culture of the traditional populations. Of this form, the Parque Estadual da Serra do Brigadeiro was created to preserve one of the last resquícios of Mata Atlântica, situated in the Zona da Mata Mineira, englobando the cities: Araponga, Ervália, Fervedouro, Miradouro, Divino, Pedra Bonita, Sericita and Muriaé. It is important to disclose that, in parks they are not allowed living in its interior. This is an important quarrel and sends Old Age to it, at this time, the human being lived in harmony with the nature, believing that it was inhabited for deuses, therefore, also had respect and fear. With the sprouting of the Iluminismo in the Modern Age, it had a transformation in the form to think of the human being, a time that starts the valuation of the reason. The explanation and the agreement of the natural phenomena were not more accepted through the religious dogmas, however, they would have to be made by means of the allied scientific comment to the reasoning and, thus, with this thought science starts to appear. From now on, the human being defines the nature as natural and when modifying the nature for the human work as artificial. With this, it has a separation between human being and nature, transforming it into object being explored and dominated. This dichotomy between the human being and the nature made with that they expanded urbanizadas and industrialized areas, generating quarrels on creations of parks, and these in turn, is stimulated and influenced for the Wilderness concept and thought chains, conservacionismo and preservacionismo. When analyzing the spreading materials, a dither of the nature is perceived as lost paradise and that the Parque Estadual da Serra do Brigadeiro is a representation of the beauty and spreads out an idea of perfect and untouchable nature, far from the world urban-industrial, the human being enters in contact with the nature to run away from the life of the city. However, the human being is part of the nature, and thus, must enxergar, therefore they are indissociáveis. Its capacity of material production does not make possible the governabilidade, and it does not have as to dominate it because they constitute part of the nature. In this way, many Units of Conservation are considered as “fragmented islands”. E these creations if have endorsed where the proper one human being is the causer of all degradation that comes occurring in the environment. However, the causers of this destruction are not only isolated actions, are actions subordinated to the capitalist economic system.


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Site do IBAMA disponível em: < index.php?id_menu=89> Acessado em: 04 out. 2006.

Site do IBGE disponível em: < conservacionismo.html> acessado em 14 fev 2007.

Site do IEF - MG disponível em: <> Acessado em 04 out. 2006.

Site da National Geographic disponível em: < ngbonline/edicoes/0610/parks.shtml> acessado em:15 fev 2007.

Site do WWF disponível em: < desenvolvimento_sustentavel/index.cfm> acessado em 13 fev 2007.






How to Cite

NATURE: A NATURAL CONCEPT?. (2022). Space and Geography Journal, 11(2), 47:87.