ASTER, Spectral Classification, Morfometric Data, Cerrado, Geology, physiognomy of vegetationAbstract
The present work aims to evaluate the relation of geologic and morfometric data with vegetation physiognomy data acquired from remote sensing digital images. The distribution and physiognomy of vegetation in the Cana Brava Massif shows strong geological control. The improvement of the studies on vegetation by using optical remote sensing techniques has allowed to increase the operational speed and to decrease the cost of total coverage of wide areas. The methodology used can be divided into five stages: (A) Pre-processing of ASTER image; (B) Application of Normalized Difference of Vegetation Index and spectral classification based on the Spectral Angle Mapper; (C) Distinction of vegetation physiognomy based on a series of masks applied over the ASTER image; (D) Processing of the ASTER DEM image; and (E) Correlating morfometric data with the study area vegetation map. These procedures allowed the identification of landscape patterns on the study area.
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