Carica papaya L., rock powder, mineral nutrition, silicatic rockAbstract
The eficiency of a phlogopitite as source of K for papaya initial development was evaluated under greenhouse condition, using KCl as reference source. Besides the treatment without K, the following doses, for both sources, were tested: 75; 150; 225; 300 kg of K2O ha-1 ; plus an extra treatment of KCl (450 K2O ha-1). The parameters evaluated, 90 days after planting, were: 1) plant height; 2) number of leaves; 3) leaf area; 4) shoots dry matter (SDM); and 5) agronomical eficiency index (AEI) of the phlogopitite, based on dry matter. There was significant difference for the evaluated variables for the factor “source”, in which the KCl was higher. Number of leaves was different among the doses. The highest SDM was observed in 150 kg of K2 O/ ha-1 for both KCl and phlogopitite. In this dosage, the AEI of the phlogopitite was 48% in relation to KCl.
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