O ambiente como argumento final na imprensa brasileira
Linguistics, ecolinguistics, media, environmental discourse, enunciation.Abstract
This article analyses, in the field of ecolinguistics, a news story published in a Brazilian newspaper, about a prominent civil servant detained by the police. It recognizes the centrality of enunciation for linguistic analysis and aims at identifying the ideology underlying its modalisation. In our point of view the analysed news simplifies reality, creating simplistic dichotomies and, in a sense, it manipulates the facts to create spectacularisation and attract the newspaper reading public. In detail, it evokes the environmental interdiscourse which runs the public sphere to, by association, enhancing the targeted person image and then reverse the appraisal and create a strong dysphoric image of him. The environmental interdiscourse is then given for granted, indisputably accepted by all citizens, and environmental activism is presented as a higher trait of individual’s character. Despite being built like a news story, with objectified text feature, the article in question is clearly a public assessment, replacing the court by the public opinion in order to charge the targeted person, without ever having heard him or considered his personal defence.
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