Da gramática pragmo-ecológica à ecolinguística (1973-1993)


  • Adam Makkai University of Illinois at Chicago-Champagne


Pragmo-ecological gramar; ecolinguistics; exoecology; endoecology.


The objective of this short artile is to present a synthesis of some of my main ideas on ecolinguistics as they have been appearing along the last decades. Among these ideas is the need of adopting a new linguistic model which is capable of dealing with any language phenomena, even if with the help of a specialized discipline. Not even “stratificational grammar”, which I practiced for a long time, is able to do this. In other words, ecolinguistics must be able to deal not only with the “exoecology” of language (language in relation to extralinguistic world) but also with language “endoecology”, i.e., with what tradicionally has been called “gramar”, “structure”, and “system”.


Author Biography

  • Adam Makkai, University of Illinois at Chicago-Champagne

    Professor of English and Linguistics, University of Illinois at Chicago &  Exec. Director and Director of Publications (Chair of the Board) Emeritus (1974-1995)






How to Cite

Da gramática pragmo-ecológica à ecolinguística (1973-1993). (2016). Ecolinguística: Revista Brasileira De Ecologia E Linguagem (ECO-REBEL), 2(2), 44-48. https://periodicostestes.bce.unb.br/index.php/erbel/article/view/9689