Quels fondements pour une écologie des langues?


  • Luis-Jean Calvet Universidade de Provence


Ecology of languages; species; evolution; gravitational model.


he objective of this article is to look for a theoretical foundation for the ecology of languages, utilizing Darwin’s concepts like “origin”, “evolution” and “natural selection”. However, it was chaos theory that inpired me to propose a “gravitational model” to explain the relationships among languages linked by means of bilinguals, as if languages gravitated one around the other. English would a “hiper-central” language, around which some “super-central” languages, like French, Spanish, Arabic and Chinese would revolve. Around these some “central’ languages like Bambara, Breton, and Alsacian would revolve. Around the central language Bambara there are “peripheral” languages like Tamasheq, Peul, Songhay, and Dogon. At each level there are vertical and horizontal bilingualism. Finally, there is an adaptation of transplanted languages to the new ecology, exactly as in the case of transplanted species.

Author Biography

  • Luis-Jean Calvet, Universidade de Provence

    Doutor em Linguística pela Universidade Sorbonne e atua como professor na Universidade de Provence.


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How to Cite

Quels fondements pour une écologie des langues?. (2016). Ecolinguística: Revista Brasileira De Ecologia E Linguagem (ECO-REBEL), 2(2), 19-35. https://periodicostestes.bce.unb.br/index.php/erbel/article/view/9687