To understand the mental environment

notes by an ecolinguist on the brain


  • Genis Frederico Schmaltz Universidade de Brasília


meio ambiente mental; regras interacionais; cérebro.


The objective of this article is to present some reflections on one of the environments of Ecosystemic Linguistics, i.e., the mental environment of language. It is evident that a study of language cares about memory and the cognitive processes when studying human mind. However, the tentative analyses will deal especially with the biological and anatomic aspects of this environment. After all, to deal with the material side of the brain is not to study it in its entirety. Following Hickey (1997), Dangelo (1995) and Couto (2012, 2013, 2015), what we have is a map of the functioning of the interactional rules that underlie the ecology of communicative interaction, from the perspective of the neural network of connections of the brain and its subdivisions.

Author Biography

  • Genis Frederico Schmaltz, Universidade de Brasília

    PhD in Linguistics from the University of Brasília. Master in Letters and Linguistics from the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), has a degree in Letters by the same institution.  Integrates the Center for Studies in Ecolinguistics and Imaginary (NELIM).


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How to Cite

To understand the mental environment: notes by an ecolinguist on the brain. (2019). Ecolinguística: Revista Brasileira De Ecologia E Linguagem (ECO-REBEL), 5(1), 113-126.