Spiritual Environment


  • Genis Frederico Schmaltz Universidade de Brasília


Spiritual ecosysteme/environment; religion; ecological view of the world; Valley of the Dawn.


The objective of this pape is to show that there is a spiritual environment ”“ in order to create an ecosystemic framework for the study of a religious community ”“ in its main manifestations. Concepts related to the ecological view of the world, such as “religion” and “spirituality”, are discussed and applied to the analysis of the community of Vale do Amanhecer (Valley of the Dawn). The theoretical support comprizes Piazza (1976), Capra (1991), Couto (2007) and Schamaltz Neto (2017). Whereas the ecolinguistic triad presupposes thre environments, the religious aspect presupposes a simulacrum that enhances the understanding of the spiritual inter-relations among myths, rites and the transitions to the real world of the people.

Author Biography

  • Genis Frederico Schmaltz, Universidade de Brasília

    PhD in Linguistics from the University of Brasília. Master in Letters and Linguistics from the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), has a degree in Letters by the same institution.  Integrates the Center for Studies in Ecolinguistics and Imaginary (NELIM).


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CHAVES, Neiva Zelaya. Tia Neiva: autobiografia missionária. Neiva Publicações, Brasília. 1992.
COUTO, Hildo Honório do. Ecolinguística: estudos das relações entre língua e meio ambiente. Brasília: Thesaurus, 2007. _______. 2015.
GALINKIN, Ana Lúcia. A cura no Vale do Amanhecer. Brasília: TechnoPolitik, 2008.
MARCHI, Euclides. O sagrado e as religiosidades: vivências e mutualidades. In: História: Questões & Debates. Curitiba, n. 43, p. 33-53, 2005.
PIAZZA, Waldomiro. Introdução à Fenomenologia religiosa. Vozes, Petrópolis 1976.
SCHMALTZ NETO, Genis Frederico. Vale do Amanhecer como comunidade de fala: uma visão ecolinguística. 2017. 165 f., il. Tese (Doutorado em Linguística) ”” Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, 2017.
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How to Cite

Spiritual Environment. (2018). Ecolinguística: Revista Brasileira De Ecologia E Linguagem (ECO-REBEL), 4(2), 83-96. https://periodicostestes.bce.unb.br/index.php/erbel/article/view/12363