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Vol. 1 No. 36 (2020): Dossiê Dinâmicas das relações raciais nas diásporas africanas em perspectiva interseccional
Vol. 1 No. 36 (2020): Dossiê Dinâmicas das relações raciais nas diásporas africanas em perspectiva interseccional
Artur Nogueira Santos e Costa
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Apresentação do Dossiê
João Gabriel Nascimento Nganga, Jaciely Soares da Silva
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The Black Brotherhoods at the crossroad of the “syncretism”
interpretations about the Catholicism and the Afro-Bahia’s religiosities in the 19th and 20th centuries
Mariana de Mesquita Santos
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The Singing Point of Umbanda as a source for Teaching History
Jaciely Soares da Silva, Admilson Eustáquio Prates
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Congo, Congado, Congadas
Afro-Brazilian cultural tradition of resistance to racism and discrimination and the times of diasporas and slavery
Jeremias Brasileiro da Silva Brasileiro
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A política da morte nos projetos abolicionistas de Andrade Corvo e Joaquim Nabuco
Gabriel Felipe Silva Bem
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a tool of power in the construction of identities, and the thought of Geraldo Rocha
Erica Naiara Ribeiro Borges, José Francisco dos Santos
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Afro-Atlantic Aesthetic Ideas and Decoloniality
A case study by Jean-Michel Basquiat
Hélio Ricardo Rainho
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Black Arts Movement "Express the truth from the oppressed or oppressors?"
João Gabriel Nascimento Nganga
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The black Rap in the planned city
Black music from the peripheries of the Federal District
Eliane Cristina Brito de Oliveira
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Carolina Maria de Jesus' Self-Assessment and Self-Definition in the work Quarto de Despejo: diary of a favela
Cristiane da Rosa Elias
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Through the streets of the city
everyday life and work of black women in Belém (1888-1900)
David Durval Jesus Vieira
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Race, gender and motherhood
enslaved women in José Bonifácio’s proposal for gradual emancipation
Caroline Passarini
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Enslaved women and affective relationships
thinking love projects and black masculinities from Intersectionality (Cachoeira do Sul, 19th century)
Marina Camilo Haack
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Free Parda Living from Prostitucion
Gender, Race and Sexuality in the 19th Century Goiás
Murilo Borges Silva
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Fragmented Bodies
the representation of race and the body african women in Colonial Notebooks (1935-1941)
Rannyelle Rocha Teixeira
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Ethnic-racial relations and curricular integration in Human Sciences teaching
Guilherme Babo Sedlacek, Rodolfo Denk Neto
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Teaching History under an Intersectional Look
Considerations about Stories of Black Students of the South of Pará
Andréia Costa Souza , Dernival Venâncio Ramos Júnior
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Scenario of an Ethnic-Racial Education in movement for the 21st Century
affirmative actions or compensatory measures?
Cairo Mohamad Ibrahim Katrib, Tadeu Pereira dos Santos
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Black Atlantic movements
analyzing an educational workshop from an anti-racist and decolonial perspective
Clara Marques Souza
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What can material culture as a source for the study of afro-brazilian and african history in schools?
For a pluriepistemic history teaching
Clarissa Adjuto Ulhoa
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The impacts of Law 10.639/03 on the Licenciatura in Letras courses at the Federal University of Catalão
Maria Helena de Paula, Carolina Faleiros Felício
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The game Mancala as a pedagogical Ethnomathematics strategy
an experience report with a second grade elementary state school Professor Elídio Duque in Salinas City-MG
Adriana Lúcia Brandão Diogenes, Graziele Santos Ferreira
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Captive capixaba families between 1850-1871
a comparison between the southern and central regions of the province
Laryssa da Silva Machado, Lucas da Silva Machado
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Decode slaves escapes
narratives, masters and runaways in the city of Rio de Janeiro (1840-1850)
Fernanda Cristina Puchinelli Ferreira
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“Go hit that black guy it I guarantee”
racial markers in Bahia (1940 - 1960)
Diego Lino Silva, Clóvis Frederico Ramaiana Moraes Oliveira
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The disadvantages of being invisible
A reflection of the racism in Brazil.
Daiara Suellen Gabriel de Ávila
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The invisibility of blacks in the history of Gramado/RS
preliminary survey
Alex Müller, Raimundo Nonato Wanderley de Souza Cavalcante
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A holiday to Zumbi
the attempt to recognize November 20th in Porto Alegre (2001-2003)
José Augusto Zorzi
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The affirmative actions and the racial quotas system
historical rescue or compensation of the social inequalities?
Ana Amélia Aquino Brito
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Notes about the black population's erasure in the National Truth Commission's report - 2014
Tairane Ribeiro da Silva
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True Science or Illusory Method?
Homeopathy in the Annaes Brasilienses de Medicina (RJ) and in O Médico do Povo (RJ) between 1850's and 1860's
Vanessa de Jesus Queiroz
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For a Comparative Historical Research between Regional Historical Museums ”“ Ceará / Goiás
Daniel Barreto Lopes
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Imperialism in the classroom
an analysis of the PNLD 2020 History textbooks
Thiago Sampaio
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Gender, slave agency and negotiation strategies
abolition processes in Havana and Rio de Janeiro, 19th century
Laura Junqueira de Mello Reis
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A contribuição da História para o passado ou para o futuro
uma resenha de Como será o passado?, de Caroline Silveira Bauer
Paula Franco
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