Memories of capitalism in Hayao Miyazaki’s works: a debate based on “Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind” (1984) and “Princess Mononoke” (1999)
Japanese animation, Anthropocene, Memories of capitalismAbstract
The director of animated films, Hayao Miyazaki, is a significant figure in works that invite the viewer to critically consider essential societal issues. In this vein, Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind and The Princess Mononoke are two important cinematic works that offer critical possibilities for thinking about the Anthropocene and Capitalocene, Nature, and the memories of capitalism. Through narratives that involve both human and more-than-human relationships, and by transcending the classic dichotomies found in children’s movies, Miyazaki exposes intricacies that this paper aims to explore regarding the use of memories and testimonies. With these two films as a starting point, we aspire to engage in discussions about human relations with other forms of life and other beings, thereby demonstrating ways to engage a memory of capitalism from these perspectives.
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