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Author Guidelines

Em Tempo de Histórias publishes History articles, book reviews, interviews and memorials (lectures, testimonials, documents, and sources) written by scholars holding an M.A. or PhD, and M.A. or PhD candidates. Furthermore, to the Research Notes section, essays and research reports are also accepted. 


General guidelines for submission:

  1. Articles must be submitted through the journal’s website, after filling in a registration form, checking the “author” box. A copy of the submitted file must be sent to
  2. Together with the copy, please send, in a separate file: the name of the author(s); e-mail address and telephone number, for a possible contact during the editoration process; institutional affiliation, when applicable; titulation, when applicable; and, sponsoring entities, when applicable. It is also mandatory to inform the ORCID ID of all authors.  
  3. The contribution must be original and unpublished, not having been evaluated by another publication. Works fully or partially published in blogs, websites, academic journals or whatsoever divulging means will not be accepted.  
  4. Contributions must have no indication of authorship, not even the copy sent by email. If the text of the submission is derived from a thesis and / or dissertation, the author should indicate this information in the 'Comments to the Editor' field. In addition, it is expected that the work will bring substantial progress in relation to what has already been presented in the thesis or dissertation, especially but not exclusively in its conclusions. Authors should delete any information in the file that can identify them as such.
  5. Periodically, the journal may launch an announcement to the publications in dossiers, to be organized preferably by scholars holding a PhD in History and its adjacencies affiliated to teaching or research institutions. To make dossiers available, there must be five approved articles. Moreover, from 2021 onwards, dossiers will be made, exclusively, by 25 articles, selected by both the organizer and the Editorial Board. 
  6. Texts submitted to the dossier that in any way are not aligned with its scope may be published at another section of the issue.
  7. The final decision about the publication is in charge of the Editorial Board. 
  8. Each author can have only one contribution under the evaluation of the journal and area-competent referees. Also, after publishing a manuscript, authors must wait for one year to submit another. 
  9. No submission can have more than three authors, except in cases pre-approved by the Editorial Board. The submitting author must enter the name of co-authors when submitting the metadata referring to the manuscript. 
  10. All texts must be submitted after spelling and grammar revision. 
  11. The journal publishes contributions in Portuguese, Spanish and English.
  12. Opinions emitted by the authors of the manuscripts do not reflect Em Tempo de Histórias’ standpoints. 
  13. There is no possible appeal to the final Editor in Chief’s decision. 


Guidelines to fill in the data, at the journal’s website:

  1. Do not use caps lock in any of the fields, especially in the title, the keywords and the authorship, except for capital letters, when necessary. (Example: prefer using “Liberty before Liberalism” instead of “LIBERTY BEFORE LIBERALISM”). 
  2. Please, fill in the author’s full names, without abbreviations. Include the pre-names and surnames in “nome” and only the last name in “sobrenome”. Example: “Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie” - “Nome: Emmanuel Le Roy”; “Sobrenome: Ladurie”. 
  3. For book reviews, which have neither abstracts nor keywords, use the expression “non applicable” in those blanks, which are mandatory. In the references, please include the full reference of the book reviewed. Attention: when submitting articles, it is essential to fill in all the blanks. 
  4. When inserting keywords, please use full stop (period) to separate them. Do not use commas or semicolons (half-periods). 
  5. Be aware of the name of the file when uploading it. Files with excessively long names may fail to upload. 
  6. It is mandatory to inform the ORCID ID from all authors. 


General formatting guidelines to all sections:

  1. Paging: A4 size.
  2. Margins: superior 2,0cm; inferior 2,0cm; left 2,0cm; and, right 2,0cm. 
  3. Font to all submissions, including footnotes: Century Schoolbook.
  4. Spacing: Simple.
  5. Tabulation: standard, 1,25cm. 
  6. Spacing between paragraphs: Before: 0pt; After 6pt. 
  7. Pages must be numbered. 
  8. Files cannot contain headings or footings. 
  9. In the case of Spanish submissions, there must be titles, abstracts and keywords in English and Portuguese also. 
  10. In the case of English submissions, there must be titles, abstracts and keywords in Portuguese and Spanish also. 


Guidelines to the formatting of articles: 

Articles must be between 4000 and 10000 words long, including abstract and references, following the formatting rules below. An article must contain:

  1. Title: Font Century Schoolbook, size 16, bolded, no use of Caps Lock, centralized, single spacing between lines. 
  2. Press enter twice and, two lines below, insert the title in Portuguese. Font Arial or Times New Roman, size 14, centralized, single spacing between lines, non-bolded, no use of Caps Lock. 
  3. Do the same above to insert the title in Spanish. 
  4. Authorship: the author must not appear in the article submitted. Include, as supplementary document, a file with the title of the article, full name of the author, institutional affiliation, and sponsoring entities, when applicable. Authors must also inform their ORCID ID. 
  5. On the second line after the title in Spanish, there must be an abstract in Portuguese (identified as “resumo”, 150 words max.), three keywords in Portuguese (separated by full stops), an abstract in English, and three keywords in English (separated by full stops). The abstracts and keywords must be intended from the margins 1cm, following the formatting below:


RESUMO/ABSTRACT, font Arial or Times New Roman, size 10, bolded, caps lock, justified paragraphing and single spacing between lines. The abstract must not contain footnotes, citations or references.

KEYWORDS (on the line immediately below the resumo/abstract): font Century Schoolbook, size 10, justified paragraphing, single spacing between lines, and separated by full stops. 



ABSTRACT: The aim of the article is to examine how the ideas of virtue and fortune, as elaborated by Niccolò Machiavelli in his writings, were reworked more than a century later by James Harrington. (...)

KEYWORDS: Civic Humanism; Modern Political Thought; Modern History. 





Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission file is in Word, OpenOffice or RTF file.
  • URL for references were informed when possible.
  • The text follows all the guidelines and norms of publication described in the Author Guideline section, located in the About section of the journal.
  • he submitted article is original, unpublished and has not been submitted to another journal. If it is derived from a thesis or dissertation, it is expected to bring substantial progress in relation to what has already been presented in the thesis or dissertation, especially but not exclusively in its conclusions. In this case, the article information derived from a thesis or dissertation must be entered in the 'Comment to the Editor' field.
  • I am aware that not updating my profile with the institutional affiliation information and ORCID will make it impossible to publish my work if it is approved.
  • I read and agree with the editorial policy adopted by Em Tempo de Histórias.
  • read and agree with the Ethical Guidelines, available in the About section, adopted by the journal.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.