Jos´e Walter Bautista Vidal and the brazilian energetic program


  • Jos´e Fernando Moura Rocha Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Aurino Ribeiro Filho Universidade Federal da Bahia



sustainability, renewable energy, energetic matrix, Pr´o-Alcool, Bautista Vidal.


In the present work we briefly recall the contribution of the physicist Jos´e Walter Bautista Vidal, one year after his death. Our purpose is to show some of his institutional achievements for Brazilian Science and Technology, mainly those related to the Brazilian energetic matrix. Throughout the text, Bautista Vidal is presented as a militant for the use of renewable energy sources. Furthermore, is also pointed out some of his actions as a professor at University of Bahia, as Secretary of Bahia
State Science and Technology Office, as well as Secretary of Industrial Technology on the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Finally, we show that much of the ideas supported by him, for decades, are still updated.

Author Biographies

  • Jos´e Fernando Moura Rocha, Universidade Federal da Bahia

    Instituto de F´Ä±sica

  • Aurino Ribeiro Filho, Universidade Federal da Bahia

    Instituto de F´Ä±sica.


[1] ALVES FILHO, Jo˜ao, Matriz Energ´etica Brasileira - Da Crise `a Grande Esperan¸ca. Mauad Editora Ltda., 188 pp, 2003.
[2] BRASIL - Agˆencia Nacional de Energia El´etrica - ANEEL. Banco de Informa¸c˜oes de Gera¸c˜ao - BIG. Matriz de Energia El´etrica. Dispon´Ä±vel em Acesso em 04 mar¸co 2014.
[3] RIBEIRO FILHO, Aurino, Mem´oria do IFUFBA - 1963-1984, Publica¸c˜ao do Instituto de F´Ä±sica da UFBA, 180 pp. Salvador, Bahia, Brasil, 1985.
[4] VIDAL, Jos´e W. B., Depoimentos. In: RIBEIRO FILHO, Aurino, (Ed.). Cadernos do IFUFBA, ano 1, vol. 2, No 3, pp. 54-86. Salvador, julho, 1985.





Divulgação científica e Ensino de Física

How to Cite

Jos´e Walter Bautista Vidal and the brazilian energetic program. (2016). E-Boletim Da Física, 4(4), 1-3.