Die Walküre act 3 scene 3, directed by Richard Wagner and Patrice Chéreau
https://doi.org/10.26512/dramaturgias24.52125Parole chiave:
Richard Wagner, The Nibelung’s Ring, Staging Directions, Patrice ChéreauAbstract
This paper examines staging directions given by Wagner to the singing actors during rehearsals for the first complete performances of The Nibelung’s Ring in 1876 and compares them to the movements and gestures devised by Patrice Chéreau in 1976 for the Centenary cycle. Detailed decisions taken by both directors in staging Die Walküre Act 3 Scene 3, the final confrontation between Wotan and Brünnhilde, are examined; and conclusions are drawn about the similarities and differences between their approaches.
Riferimenti bibliografici
Ewans, M. (1985) ’The Bayreuth Centenary Ring by Patrice Chéreau and Pierre Boulez’ Miscellanea Musicologica 14 (1985), 167-173.
Nattiez, J-J. (1983) Tétralogies: Wagner-Boulez-Chéreau. Essai sur l’infidelité. Paris: Bourgeois.
Porges, H. (tr. R. L. Jacobs) (1983) Wagner Rehearsing the ’Ring’: An Eye-Witness Account of the Stage Rehearsals of the First Bayreuth Festival. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Shaw, B. (1923, reprinted 1967) The Perfect Wagnerite: A Commentary on The Nibelung’s Ring. New York: Dover Publications
Skelton, G, (1976) Wagner at Bayreuth: Experiment and Tradition. London: White Lion Publications.
Wagner. R. (tr. W. Ashton Ellis) (1966) Richard Wagner’s Prose Works vol. 2: Opera and Drama. New York: Broude Brothers.
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