Music composition and theatricality in Speaking Drums, by Péter Eötvös


  • Heitor Martins Oliveira



composição musical, teatralidade, poesia sonora, percussão múltipla, Eötvös


How does Péter Eötvös address the theatrical potential of musical performance in the composition of the percussion and orchestra concerto Speaking Drums? The answers presented here are based on contextual information about the composition of the piece and the study of its score, in dialogue with references that allow conceptualizing, contextualizing and discussing the question. Eötvös connects composition and theatricality of the musical performance by using the visuality and gesture that emerge from multiple percussion, investing in the expressive potential of the soloist to whom he entrusted the recording of the work and using sound poetry as a compositional material and symbolic link for the establishment of the talking drums magical narrative. The fundamental contribution of this reflection is to emphasize that such a theatricalisation in compositional approach is not restricted to predominantly scenic repertoires such as instrumental theater and musical theater, but allows the composer to appropriate a range of aesthetic possibilities related to the spatial, visual, gestural and representational aspects of the musical performance situation.


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How to Cite

Music composition and theatricality in Speaking Drums, by Péter Eötvös. (2016). Dramaturgies, 1(2-3).

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