Diário da Misantropia


  • Iano Fazio




Video-Art, Cinema, Music, Photograohy, Theater, Heracles, Tarkovsky, Munch, Nietzsche, Misanthropy, Social Midia.


This paper intends to analyze the production of a Video-Art explaining all the stages of the process, from the pre-production, technical difficulties and analysis of the final results. The presented material had as initial stimulus the philosophical thought of Heráclito and the objective was the creation a work that could be framed in more of an artistic language. The Video-Art Diary of Misanthropy comes from this provocation and uses references that go beyond the fragments of Heraclitus and dialogues with artistic languages of cinema, photography, theater and music.

Author Biography

  • Iano Fazio

    Músico, compositor


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http://www.comunidadeculturaearte.com/como-andrei-tarkovsky-influen-ciou -o-cinema-de-lars-von-trier/


