Olympian Ode 6: Approach to me- tric-prosodic analysis “encountering citizens without envy in desired songs” (O. 6.7, ἐπικύρσαις ἀφθόνων ἀστῶν ἐν ἱμερταῖς ἀοιδαῖς;)


  • Facundo Bustos Fierro Universidad de Buenos Aires




Pindar, Olympian 6, Metrics, Prosody Responsio.


The olympian ode 6 is an extensive song: 105 verses distributed in 5 triads (stro- phe, antistrophe and epod). For the metric-prosodic analysis, the metric sche- me is presented in three formats, with its graphic expression: (i) snell-maehler nomenclature for dactyl-epitrite schemes [e, e, d]; (ii) transcription to the usual longum and breve, and finally; (iii) dale's model [s, d], which minimizes the re- quired symbols. After viewing and briefly commenting on the metrical scheme, attention will be paid to the words themselves, strategically organized accor- ding to the scheme and the choral theory of accent. From the comparative analysis between strophes and antistrophes, responsive models emerge (lexi- cal or semantic coincidences, etc. ), which are repeated in this ode and others. For instance, in the closings of the first and last strophes the idea of the songs is repeated (7 cfr. 91, ἀστῶν ἐν ἱμερταῖς ἀοιδαῖς; ≈ κρατὴρ ἀγαφθέγκτων ἀοιδᾶν).

Author Biography

  • Facundo Bustos Fierro, Universidad de Buenos Aires

    IFC - FFyL - UBA (Instituto de Filología Clásica - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras - Universidad de Buenos Aires)


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How to Cite

Olympian Ode 6: Approach to me- tric-prosodic analysis “encountering citizens without envy in desired songs” (O. 6.7, ἐπικύρσαις ἀφθόνων ἀστῶν ἐν ἱμερταῖς ἀοιδαῖς;). (2023). Dramaturgies, 22, 538-553. https://doi.org/10.26512/dramaturgias22.48365