Ancient Greek Greek Poetry and its performance: some initial data for eventual melodic compositions


  • Roosevelt Rocha Universidade Federal do Paraná



Greek melic, Performance, Ancient Greek music theory


In this paper, I will discuss some initial information that we need to keep in mind when we think about the performance of archaic Greek melic poetry: metrics, performance occasions, musical instruments and harmonies cited by the various authors. Based on this data, I want to debate the extent to which it would be possible to have any idea of how the songs by Stesichorus, Bacchylides and Pindar, for example, were sung in their first performances and even when they were reinterpreted in situations different from the original performance context. In this way, I hope to encourage discussion on this topic so important for an appreciation that goes beyond reading the text.


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How to Cite

Ancient Greek Greek Poetry and its performance: some initial data for eventual melodic compositions. (2022). Dramaturgies, 19, 86-103.