Musical performance on Attic and Apulian vase-painting (6th-4th cent. B.C.): the stringed instruments
Musical performance, Stringed instruments, Magna Grecia, Iconography, PotteryAbstract
The present article aims to analyze the stringed instruments performance in Greek Antiquity, focusing, chronologically, from 6th to 4th century, and, geographically, Aegean Greece, particularly Athens, and Occidental Greece, namely Tarentum and Apulia, the indigenous Italic hinterland. I study specifically
the iconographical representation of the playing techniques krouein (to pluck the strings with the plectrum) and psallein (to pluck the strings with the fingers), interpreting cultural aspects associated to it. I observe also the emergence of a preference for instrumental music, as a local effect of the New Music.
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